Wednesday, August 1, 2012

3 Recommended Writing Websites for Teens

As I have been venturing into the -online- writing world lately, I have sifted through lots of websites, mostly blogs, about writing. Some I didn’t like, some were okay, and others I follow devotedly. So as to not bore you with my many recommendations, in addition to the fact that my sister just made chocolate-chip cookies, I’ll keep this quick.
First of all, I have been a member of TeenInk for a long time, and have truly grown to appreciate it. I’m a contributor for its online website, and I really like the fact that I can share my work with other teens around the world. They also have a national magazine in print, which has ten issues a month. They publish the best of TeenInk’s online writing in it, and it is very enjoyable, at least to me. I really like the fact that I can submit my writing, and have it online for friends, family, and my peers, as well as for honest constructive criticism.
Secondly, I’ve been following Go Teen Writers for several months or so now, and I find it very helpful. It’s a blog with contributing authors and an editor to help teens improve their writing. There are blog posts published every day in the school/work week, and they range from tips about building a platform to marketing to book proposals to characters and query letters. They’re immensely useful, giving aspiring writers help and reassurance at a stage of their lives when most are in dire need of knowledge, delivered from someone who’s “been there”. In addition, they have sections on writing a novel and writing contests every two weeks, as well as occasional giveaways. I love everything about the idea, and the authors put so much thought into their topics so that they feel personal and inspiring, as well as educational. In addition, the writing’s above par (of course).
Lastly, my new favorite writing website is SmithTeens. It is the home for the famous six-word memoirs. I had read about it in the paper about a year ago or so, and liked the idea, and just recently (well, this past week, to be exact) found the website, including a webpage dedicated to teens. You can create an account, and from thereon simply submit six-word memoirs about your life. They also have forums: Freestyle, to post about anything you want, and Forums, a guided place for conversations. Expressing myself in specific writing forms has always appealed to me, whether it is sonnet, haiku, or now six-word stories. There’s just something inspiring about telling a story with a familiar number of syllables or words, and being able to use your expertise. I also loved how all of the teens on the site were very welcoming to newcomers, a fact that I noticed quickly. Their six-word stories were very compelling as well. In conclusion, I appreciate SmithTeens for its six-word potential, as well as all of its gracious contributors.
These are some of my favorite websites for the moment, and I’ve found them really motivational. I’d highly recommend them. I need to stop now, and get some delicious chocolate-chip cookies! Anyway, visit these sites if you want to and have the time. Again, recommended. Note: my username on SmithTeens and TeenInk is KatsK, in case you’re wondering who I am. The websistes, as I have been unable to figure out hyperlinks, are .coms. Have a nice Thursday! (wait, it's Wednesday . . . right? Just kidding.)


  1. Thanks for sharing the SmithTeens website! I've never heard of it before.

  2. SMITHTeens is literally my favorite website now, no joke. Also, if you happen to join, let me know your username. Sorry about the long post; I sort of didn't notice that. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Hello, Katia! I don't know if you're still doing this blog, but I think it's pretty good! Although here's a great writing website-- in the twenty or so that I have an account on, this one is the only one that needs to pay, but it's also ten times better than /anything// I ever tried.
    You can find it at
    It's amazing, even if you don't get an account, check back with us once in a while!
    The money is totally worth it. I'd pay 100 dollars for my account and I wouldn't mind. :D


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