Sunday, November 25, 2012

NaNoWriMo Journal: Week 4

My novel is almost done. I have found out so far that I’m a bit of a procrastinator, but thankfully, I’m generally focused. Of course, having pie, cookies, and brownies on hand as bribes after I finish writing helps a bit. Currently, my novel’s word-count is 57,480. I’m going to make another list, because I like lists, and this way you won’t realize that my spelling has been falling to the wayside since I started NaNoWriMo.
                My novel by the numbers:

·         2: types of grain I talk about excessively. Here you were, thinking that you might not be able to have multiple discussions on the topic of corn, but you can! See, that is the truly amazing thing about writing a story set in, while living in, the Midwest. Yep, your brain is officially blown.

·         2: people die, just because I need more drama

·         1: nice old guy

·         1: young, bitter guy who captures Kera for unknown reasons

·         2,000: NaNoWriMo words destroyed by my forgetting to save and weird software trying to take over my computer (others were destroyed from different stories I forgot to save)

·         2,000: words I had to make up the next day, therefore rewriting the scene from memory. (And it was not pretty!)

·         5,150: words I wrote on Sunday (after that fateful word-sucking "software update" that I'm convinced is trying to hack into my computer)

·         1: cryptic message

·         25 (approximately): awkward metaphors because I’d never written a dystopian (or futuristic) novel before

·         25: days which it’s taken me so far to write the first draft of my novel

·         632: average number of words I write per day, above the NaNo minimum

·         2,299: average word-count per day

·         2,520: words I have left to get to my approximate goal (of 60,000 words)

My plot has been progressing nicely, and my characters have taken direction. I love it when that happens. It’s just so freeing, you know? It makes me feel like I made great characters, which may or may not be true. I’m going to try to write some words this week, but I have a safety net in case I don’t.  I'm looking forward to writing this week, but I'm also glad that I'll get a little time off this week. Then on Friday I will write 2,000 words, or however many are left, and validate my novel, therefore being declared an official winner.
Happy writing!

the writer girl

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